Find out how working with me 1 on 1 can change your small business!
Big Goals for your Small Business?
Grow your Small Business through Consistency, Social Media and a Positive Mindset
Does your small business feel like it's just a hobby?  Have your sales flat lined?  Are you thinking about quitting?
Do any of these statements sound familiar?

"Everything is just so hard."

"I just am not getting seen on Social Media."

"Where are my people?"

"I am just not making sales."

It doesn't have to be this way!  If you said yes to any of these, click now to get on a FREE discovery call!
Get the Sales, Followers and Growth Now!
If we are being real honest, having a small business usually comes down to just you, maybe a very small team.
So I have a few questions for you...

How consistent are you within your business?

How much time do you actually spend working your business?

Are you on Social Media Platforms?

Okay, so you have Facebook or Instagram, but do you have an active business page?

Let me guess, you are feeling lost, confused, maybe even overwhelmed?  You feel like your market is saturated?  Even though you love what you do, some days it just doesn't feel like it's worth the effort to keep going.  Am I right?  I've been there!

So, what's going wrong?

Aren't you tired of hearing crickets?

When will things change?
What if I told you that YOU CAN grow your small business using a Personalized Action Plan, a solid Social Media Strategy and a Positive Mindset.
Hello! I'm Sheena! I am so happy that you are here!
Okay, so you might not know much about me yet, or maybe you do?  So let me tell you some things about myself that you might not know.

I am a wife.  I am a mother of two amazingly wild boys.  I am a small down girl living in beautiful Montana.  I am a small business owner.  I am a small business coach.

Let's go back to the Little Red Truck Market in Missoula, Montana in 2017.  I was helping my mom sell handmade soap.  We were killing it! Sales were doing so well!  It was a few day event, so I made sure to talk to other vendors when I had the chance.  Other vendors said things like, "it's going okay" "I thought I'd do better" "How are you selling so much?" "Maybe I just shouldn't do this anymore".  After all, people came there to shop, right?  I spent a lot of time looking at what we were doing differently.
Don't Give Up!  It isn't your fault!  
You don't know what you don't know until you don't know it, right?  What?

For eight years, mom had worked countless hours at her business, with little return.

Honestly, this quick changing, instant gratification world has been working against you.

People just forget that they saw you and loved what you have to offer.

But once I broke the code to getting seen in more places more often, we made real progress.

Once I realized that people needed to see us more to trust us, I made sure to show up every single day, and everything began to look up.
Keep reading to see what it's like to work with me.
“I grew up in the age of dial-up and let me be honest I still struggle with technology even though I have used it a lot. Before I worked with Sheena I had no idea how to get leads or engagement on my instagram and now after working with her for just a couple weeks I feel so much more confident and intentional about using the platform. Sheena is incredibly easy to work with, she communicated actionable steps for me to use so clearly and she was always super quick to respond when I needed help. If you’re like me and struggle knowing how to use technology to grow your business then Sheena is your woman!

Megan K Jefferies - Life Coach
"We were able to boost sales dramatically with Sheena Gillespie at the helm of sales. She showed how best to follow those interested in what we do. She has knowledge of how to attract the social world and others to what you do. Sales are her specialty. Thanks Sheena. You rock!

Bonnie Vadnais - Udderly Fresh Soap Owner
My strategies work!  I have helped small businesses make big changes!
When I first started helping my mom with her business, she was in a tight spot.  She was only making about $800 a month after several years.  She had a facebook page, but it only had two pictures and nothing else.  With my help, after only three months, she was making over $3000 a month.  Three more months, she was making over $7000 a month!  Crazy! Right? It took a Go Get Em attitude, Consistency, and getting out there on Social Media Every Single Day.

I mean, great things don't just happen, they take work... real... consistent... work. 

Now, my mom didn't graduate high school.  She didn't go to college.  We didn't even have a computer in our home growing up.  With everything stacked against her, we were still able to double her sales over and over and over again!
HEADLINE: Don't Just Take My Word For It... See For Yourself
ACT NOW!  What are you waiting for?
Fully committing to this program could mean more clients, more sales and overall, more happiness and confidence within your business.
"But, before you get started, let me ask you a question...

Would you like to get access to Small Business Big Goals?

For less than the cost of a cheap meal for two, you can get access to everything inside of Small Business Big Goals. 

Now, while it would be impossible to show you ALL of the benefits of Small Business Big Goals, I want to show you some of the things that you'll experience as soon as you're on the inside."
Get your Personalized Action Plan
I will work directly with you to build a schedule, a plan and goals with a clear road map to get you to those goals.  This action plan will be specific to the needs and goals of your small business.  They will focus on building trust and visibility within your business.
A Solid Social Media Strategy
I will show you how to effectively use Facebook and Instagram to get more followers.  And I'll show you tips and tricks to make it easy.  Together, we will build a Social Media Strategy catered to your small business.
Positive Thinking Practice
I will work with you to improve your mindset in a way that will give you more confidence.  I will help you to focus on and enhance the things that you are doing well within your business while building on strong foundations to improve it.
 And Wait! There's MORE!
SUB HEADLINE: Total Value Of Bonuses Here
Weekly Zoom Calls
Every week, you and I will meet face to face for one hour to dive into YOUR business.  We will solve problems, and you will learn new skills to implement into your business.

Valued over $900
Daily Check Ins
Monday through Friday, you will be able to get feedback on things that you are working on, ask questions via facebook and get answers to your questions.

Valued at $$2400
Personal Cheerleader
I will cheer you on, encourage you to celebrate your wins, even the small ones, and be there with you to help you to succeed.  You don't have to do this alone.

Valued  $$$Priceless
HEADLINE: Bonuses Go Here
SUB HEADLINE: Total Value Of Bonuses Here
Bonus #1
Explain the feature and benefit

Valued at $$
Bonus #2
Explain the feature and benefit

Valued at $$
Bonus #3
Explain the feature and benefit

Valued at $$
If all you gained from this 1:1 program was a clearer understanding of a few simple techniques that could change the way that you do business, wouldn't it be worth it?
Worry Free Guarentee
"I'm going to take all the risk, and give you my Worry Free guarantee."

If you are 100% committed, you show up every day, you do the work and you trust the process, you will see results!
Don't wait!  There is limited space!
I can't work with everyone

If you're still reading, what are you waiting for!  Just say yes!  Click the button below to talk with me and see if we are a good fit for one another.
I am only taking THREE people, so DON'T WAIT!
The decision is all yours! You have to do what is best for you!

My spots will fill up fast, and you'll have to wait if you don't book soon.

Although, I hope you join me, and I'd love to help you to increase sales, followers and consistency, once I'm full... I'm full!  I can't create more hours in a day.

However, without the help of [insert program name here], you'll ALWAYS be trying to get results and hearing crickets and wondering where you went wrong.

I know that I'm being blunt, but the truth is, that I can only accept three new clients, and once the space is filled, it's filled.  You understand, right?
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